Friday, 23 October 2009


I have chosen to call my magazine 'Future' as it constrasts with college well, students go to college to develop their future therefore this is extremely relevant. I have chosen my masthead to be coloured red as it will catch the audience's eye. The logo for 'Future' is three arrows facing forwards, one red, one yellow and one blue, this is significant as these are the primary colours which relate to education, this will attract the target audience, teachers. My main image matches my sub title, 'Healthy colleges, Healthy living!' which is based on a new healthy eating plan which will be brought into colleges to prevent obesity across the nation, this will also attract teacher's to 'Future' magazine as they will be interested in the benefits being offered to their pupils. The subtitle is in black writing and a bold font which will highlight it. I have chosen a plain white background for the magazine as other colours will stand out more against it. I have created the second cover story underneath the subtitle as this is where they are on other college magazines. ''20% rise in A*s since 2007'' this cover story will appeal to teachers because it shows higher levels of acheivement from their pupils whom they have helped progress. The date and website are at the bottom of the magazine to give extra bits of information if needed. My college magazine is out monthly therefore it will contain a lot more interesting stories which have happened during the month rather than boring and irrelevant information which will of happened during such a short period of time e.g a week. My research helped me a lot throughout the project as I could refer back to it for help and reassurance during the stages of planning. I chose to create my magazine on Microsoft Publisher as it would take less time and would be more convenient overall, than photoshop. Publisher also contains templates and my magazine could easily be made to be as effective as if it was made on photoshop.

I have made a few changes from my initial plan, i added a bar code to make it look more realistic. I also added three little stars next to the second cover story which reflects the grade increase of ''A*'s'', it adds effect and makes the magazine brighter and eyecatching to the target audience, teachers.

In order to progress for creating my music magazine i will organise time management better, and research a lot more information therefore it will help me organise my magazine to look more realistic and successful.

Magazine front cover

This is my finished magazine front cover, i have made a few changes from my initial plan, i added a bar code to make it look more realistic. I also added three little stars next to the second cover story which reflects the grade increase of ''A*'s'', it adds effect and makes the magazine brighter and eyecatching to the target audience, teachers. I am pleased with my overall product!


This is my layout for my magazine front cover, it helps give an understanding of how to put together my final peice.

Mock up of contents page

This is my mock up of a contents page which will match up with my magazine front cover. I have chosen to layout everything in a place where it will look orderly and correct. My research helped me create this as in other examples of magazine contents pages the layout is very similar.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

What am i using to create my magazine front cover and contents page

I am using Microsoft Publisher to create my Magazine front cover, this enables me to use templates and it will be easier and faster to use in general rather than photoshop.

Medium Close Up Shot

This is an example of a medium close up shot which i have taken myself. I need to use a medium close up shot for my college magazine cover, this will help me develop my skills for my final peice.

Monday, 19 October 2009


This my moodboard which i created to give some initial ideas towards the planning of my magazine front cover. I have shown a variety of different fonts i could use for my masthead, some cover stories i could use and also some pictures which represent college magazines.

Friday, 16 October 2009


L anguage
I deology
I nstitution

A udience

this is a video showing how to create a magazine cover using photoshop i hope to use the same technique as the man does in his video
i think photoshop is the best software to use when making a magazine cover beacuse you can do alot more advance things on photoshop
Things on photoshop are alot more advance but they are very easy to use aswell the tools do there job but do not cause you great stress in trying to figure out how they work

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Contents Page of NME magazine

Heat Magazine front cover

Institution- Heat (Masthead)
Weekly magazine
Cover Price
Victoria Beckham has been made to be the main image, it is a long shot showing her whole body in order to exaggerate the Cover line making her look skinnier than usual.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Codes and Conventions of a Contents page

-Page numbers
-Sub titles
-Pictures to describe topic
-Feature stories
-Regular stories
-Some kind of Welcome note